ONE STOP Internet Business Services


Hear What Clients Have to Say...

Effective Sales Copy Can Literally Make or Break a Business Web Site

No matter what you're selling, your sales copy will be a determining factor in your success because, on the Internet, you must draw people to your site and encourage them to buy with your words alone.

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Now think about this, most online business people start off with absolutely no experience in advertising or marketing. In most cases they have never even thought about selling or writing advertising and sales copy ever before in their lives. Does this explain the incredibly high dot-com failure rate? I think it does.

Don't Let This Happen to Your Business!

If your site is getting traffic, but no sales, you need help. It's as simple as that.

Most likely, you really just need someone to come in and punch up what you already have. At ONE STOP, we are great at that! (Just check out our testimonials!) We take all the information you've already included as your content, re-order it, add in a little compelling copy that leads your customers to the next step, and voila! You've got copy that sells.

We're also glad to write your sales copy from scratch. We've written and revised copy for a wide variety of businesses including a range of business opportunities, gift sites, coaching services, house cleaners, massage therapists, automobile sales, insurance in the UK, mobile dog groomer, and equine tack accessories. We'll do the research and provide you with copy that works!

View our Portfolio

How Much Does Professional Copy Cost?

Don't worry, we are champions of small business who know what it's like to work with a limited budget. We wouldn't dream of asking you for several hundreds or thousands of dollars like some hot-shot guru-types. We want to help you improve your sales message so YOU can have more money!

We'll write one complete page of compelling copy for your offer, from scratch, for only $200. Simply provide details about your company or product and we will do the research to give you a benefits-packed, attention-grabbing page of copy that you can start using right away as your web site text or email ad.

For only $100, we will edit and improve one page of copy that you've written. We'll take your copy and edit it to give it more response pulling power while retaining the basic message. The results are consistantly dramatic!

NOTE: These prices include the time it takes for us to become aquainted with your product.

What Kind of Results Can I Expect?

It's imposible for us to truly guarantee your results. There are just too many factors involved, including your product, your market and how you promote your site. Many of our customers have reported excellent results with our copy and copy revisions, including one who was frustrated by zero sales after 1,000 hits to a new promotion page she was running. After revising her copy, she reported $750 in sales in the first week!

More typical results include increased sales that generally cover the cost of our service within a week. Our clients often wonder why they didn't contact us sooner! :)

View our Portfolio

Ok! I'm Ready!

Contact us to discuss your project or request a free consultation with no obligation. If you decide we're a good fit, we'll get started on your sales copy right away. You could be making more sales starting next week!

Payments are accepted by PayPal, Western Union, checks and money orders in US funds.

© Copyright Cathy Wagner 2002 - 2020
Note: This site is NOT powered by WordPress and cost two thirds less!
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