Member Update


"Cathy Wagner is the genuine article - articulate, informed, professional, generous and on the money when it comes to providing top-notch advice for your business concerns. Cathy really cares about your business and it's success, not just how it relates to maintaining her own. She has given away more information in the time I've known her than some companies provide as part of their intial fee'd package and consistantly provides clear, accurate and valuable advice every time."

- Soni Pitts

"I find Cathy to be a respected professional and positive businessperson to deal with, accurate and quick to respond to questions. She deals with you honestly and her information is clear and of top quality. She helped me by guiding me on a business endeavor, and her instructions were right on! She gives information and advice freely and offers more than what is expected. I plan to keep Cathy on for further advising!"

- Luisa Salcedo

"I just want to recommend Cathy Wagner in the highest terms possible. She has helped me with several techno-glitches I've had and "issues" to my getting the word out about some of the things I'm doing. Cathy is sharp, on the ball, fast, speaks English rather than "Techno-geek" and is a dream to work with. I recommend her highly for pretty much anything she does.

Plus she doesn't charge an arm and a leg for what she does."

All the best,

- Denise Michaels
The Marketing Maven

"I've subscribed to your online newsletter for awhile now and am getting your Online Business Myths. I want to say I've learned alot, and encourage everyone to subscribe! I look forward to getting to know you."

- Teresa Dickey

"Cathy's Ad Writing Assistance was Great! You and her write ads together. Its Fun. Highly Recommend! Thanks,"

- Lawrence Doro


Welcome Members!

Tip of the Week
The busy season. How is it going for you?

I talk to many, many people on the web and the response to this question is overwhelmingly, "Busy season, shmizzy season." (Say it out loud, you'll know what I mean. :) They seem to feel like this whole "busy season" thing is just hype too.

What's the problem? Why doesn't everybody benefit from the so called busy season?

I'd love to be able to answer that question for you quickly and easily, but of course I can't. There are just too many factors that can effect your success. For a complete discussion on this topic, please see my article, "Grrr! Why Aren't I Making Sales?!!"

What ever the problem is, don't ignore it! Every day that you're in business with an ineffective sales process costs you. Its not going to get better on it's own. You have to take control and continue to improve your ad copy, presentation and order process until you are earning the kind of money you want. Of course if you're stuck, you can always ask me. :)

Cathy Wagner Interviewed
I am very pleased to announce that my first audio interview is now available at ONE STOP!
Come and listen as Michael Heindel, owner of the forthcoming, and I discuss online business, specific tips and resources, and the value of networking on the Internet.

New Paid Membership Packages
Since the recent price increase, I have been listening. What I've heard tells me the new price is simply not accessible to everyone. Because my primary goal is to help those who are starting in the same way I did, with more drive than money, I have created two new, smaller Paid Membership packages.

Now, in addition to the Monthly and Pro Memberships, you also have the options of Starter and Intermediate Membership. The only differences between these new packages and the full Pro Membership is the amount of personal support you receive and of course, the price. Click here for full details.

Holiday Special
In the last Update, I announced a holiday special for the month of November. This will not be effected by the new Paid Membership packages. Anyone who upgrades to Pro during November will still receive a $50 rebate on their purchase. Don't delay, November is halfway over!

New! Cash Bonuses for Bug Reporting
I don't care what anyone says, I've seen functioning web site files suddenly become corrupt and stop working. It's maddening. The worst part is there's no way to tell when it happens.

To guard against this, I've decided to institute a new cash bonus system. From now on, anyone who reports a bug or error during the paid sign up process will receive a cash back on their purchase.

I don't think there are any, but if you find a bug during the Pro sign up process in Novemeber, you will get a total of $70 in rebates!!

Have a Profitable Day,

Cathy Wagner
ONE STOP Internet Business Services
Providing Freedom Seeking Entrepeneurs with
Low-Risk, Online Profit-Building Guidance.

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