Top 21 Myths About Online Business


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Warm Wishes,

- Teresa Dickey

"Cathy Wagner is the genuine article - articulate, informed, professional, generous and on the money when it comes to providing top-notch advice for your business concerns. Cathy really cares about your business and it's success, not just how it relates to maintaining her own. She has given away more information in the time I've known her than some companies provide as part of their intial fee'd package and consistantly provides clear, accurate and valuable advice every time."

- Soni Pitts

“...Cathy Wagner has shown me better ways to advertise and to get my site seen by more people I would recommend One Stop Internet Business and Cathy Wagner to everyone who needs resources to the internet.”

- JoDee Inscoe

"Cathy, Just finished reading your e-book. Nicely done."

- Bob LaPlante

Doing business online can be confusing. Things change so quickly. Plus, all the ads and hype can make it nearly impossible for newcomers to know what's true and what's not.

Do these sounds familiar?

  • You gotta pay to play.
  • Quality web hosting costs about $25 per month.
  • You must submit your site to search engines.
  • Free advertising is worthless.
  • Free ads in ezines are a great value.
  • You NEED a mailing list or you don't have anything.
  • You can buy an opt-in mailing list.
  • You can expect a sale for every 10,000 email ads you send.
  • Free online publicity is too time consuming.

Not one of them is true!

In my career, I have seen many ads and web sites actually encourage beginners to promote their offers in ways that will either waste their time and money, or worse, ruin them before they even get their business going. Not all do it out of greed, many do it out of sheer ignorance!

I created this free information series, Top 21 Myths About Online Business, to help you cut through the misinformation and get you on the right track from the start. You'll get the straight story on all the lies listed above and many others.

To subscribe, simply fill out the form below and you will recieve the first message immediately. Then, look for a new myth in your mailbox every day.

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