Member Update


"Cathy Wagner is a sharp minded, professional webmaster and business writer. Offering a full range of services for a ONE STOP internet experience, she manages to provide knowledgable, user-friendly help in time and on deadline."

"As a journalist and business owner, I depend on her unique ability to trouble shoot for my business, before my online problems become unmanageable."

- Diane Tegarden
FireWalker Publications

"I find Cathy to be a respected professional and positive businessperson to deal with, accurate and quick to respond to questions. She deals with you honestly and her information is clear and of top quality. She helped me by guiding me on a business endeavor, and her instructions were right on! She gives information and advice freely and offers more than what is expected. I plan to keep Cathy on for further advising!"

- Luisa Salcedo

"Cathy, Just finished reading your e-book. Nicely done."

- Bob LaPlante

"Cathy Wagner is the genuine article - articulate, informed, professional, generous and on the money when it comes to providing top-notch advice for your business concerns. Cathy really cares about your business and it's success, not just how it relates to maintaining her own. She has given away more information in the time I've known her than some companies provide as part of their intial fee'd package and consistantly provides clear, accurate and valuable advice every time."

- Soni Pitts

"...I was amazed at how much more powerful my email letter was after Cathy did her magic! And what a difference it made in my response!

Thanks Cathy, I look forward to our continued growth and prosperity as we combine our efforts to help more business people truly succeed online!

We've proven and continue to prove that it CAN BE DONE!"

- Janet Legere
Author and Founder
The Contact List Builder

"I have been very impressed with OneStops services and capabilities. The company is playing a key role in our overall growth and success. By providing cost effective solutions to our business they have allowed us to expand our overall customer base."

- Michael Hamilton

"I just love Cathy Wagner!"

- Carole Cherry


Welcome Members!

Out of the Office
I'm going out of town for two weeks. I leave on Thursday, October 20th and won't be back until November 4th. I'll be totally offline for most of this time, so won't be able to respond to email, but will reply as soon as possible upon my return.

New Articles

I've written two new articles recently, I hope you will enjoy them in my absence. :)

Are you thinking about creating your own web site? If so, I urge you to read "Are You the Master of Your Domain?" to learn what you can expect. Doing it right the first time will save you a lot of aggravation in the long run.

Do you use a signature file? If not, you could be losing sales. In my latest article, "Creating a Great Signature File," you'll find out what a signature file is, why you need one and exactly how to create one that's just right for you.

Tip of the Week
We're a good month into the busy season now, how is it working out for you? Are you generating lots of traffic to your site? Are you making sales?

Sadly, the overwhwelming answer to this questions is usually, "No."

There are a variety of answers for this including:

Lack of Experience There's not much one can do about a lack of experience besides getting out there and trying. Preparation is good, but nothing beats experience. Whether you succeed or fail, you will learn and that is the name of the game.

Lack of Focus There is an overwhelming amount of information regarding online business available today. So many great ideas! It's really easy to be distracted by new promotional methods every day! But, this can hurt you.

If you think about the statistics that say the average viewer needs to see an ad at least seven times before they click, you'll realize that you need to rerun your ads several times before you can realistically expect to see the full result. If you don't keep this in mind, you could discard an effective ad or advertising method before you've really given it a proper chance.

Lack of Consistancy Most online business people have a lot going on between working another job and/or raising children and trying to devote as much time as they can to their own business. Some days we have more time in front of the computer than others, but we have to set priorities and show some consistancy if we are to present a professional image. What are your priorities when it comes to business tasks?

Lack of Belief This is a big one. Too many of us would like to strike it rich on the Internet, but deep down, we don't really believe it's possible. This kind of thinking will keep you from your goal no matter how hard you work at it. The only way to fight this is to literally retrain your mind to look for the positive in life and acknowledge your progess.

The road to online business sucess can be very frustrating, many people give up! But, if you learn, persevere and stay determined, even in the face of obstacles, you will achieve your goals.

Ebooks by Cathy Wagner
Initial feedback on my newly updated and repackaged ebooks has been tremendous.

"Wow Cathy! Your ebooks are great! They're both so comprehensive and easy to understand. You've covered everything the online business person needs to know, whether they want their own web site or not."

- Michael Hamilton
MoCroi Music

You don't have to pay a lot for a high quality business education. Best of all, my ebooks are 100% guaranteed! Get a jump on your competition today!

Have a Profitable Day,

Cathy Wagner
ONE STOP Internet Business Services
Providing Freedom Seeking Entrepeneurs with
Low-Risk, Online Profit-Building Guidance.

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