Member Update


"Cathy Wagner is the genuine article - articulate, informed, professional, generous and on the money when it comes to providing top-notch advice for your business concerns. Cathy really cares about your business and it's success, not just how it relates to maintaining her own. She has given away more information in the time I've known her than some companies provide as part of their intial fee'd package and consistantly provides clear, accurate and valuable advice every time."

- Soni Pitts

"I find Cathy to be a respected professional and positive businessperson to deal with, accurate and quick to respond to questions. She deals with you honestly and her information is clear and of top quality. She helped me by guiding me on a business endeavor, and her instructions were right on! She gives information and advice freely and offers more than what is expected. I plan to keep Cathy on for further advising!"

- Luisa Salcedo

"I just want to recommend Cathy Wagner in the highest terms possible. She has helped me with several techno-glitches I've had and "issues" to my getting the word out about some of the things I'm doing. Cathy is sharp, on the ball, fast, speaks English rather than "Techno-geek" and is a dream to work with. I recommend her highly for pretty much anything she does.

Plus she doesn't charge an arm and a leg for what she does."

All the best,

- Denise Michaels
The Marketing Maven

"I've subscribed to your online newsletter for awhile now and am getting your Online Business Myths. I want to say I've learned alot, and encourage everyone to subscribe! I look forward to getting to know you."

- Teresa Dickey

"I just wanted to write and let you know how thoroughly pleased I am with You have done a remarkable job of putting all the best tools and resources in one spot. I sure wish I would have found you sooner!

”You can rest assured that I will be recommending your site to all my visitors. If they are serious about getting the most out of their online businesses they won't pass it up! It is one of the wisest investments I have seen in a long time! Thanks again for an awesome job!"

- Roy Houston


Welcome Members!

This update is late because my pc came down with a virus over the weekend. :(

I don't know how it happened, I am so careful! It even got past Norton. [sigh] Once I was finally able to boot up and connect to the Internet, the first thing I did was go to TrendMicro for a housecall check-up on my computer.

I was very lucky to have found this service early in my online career and it's been invaluable on more than one occasion. I've even met techs who consider it the final word in virus scanning. If you're machine passes this scan, you are 100% clean!

Best of all it's totally free. Do yourself a favor, check out the site and bookmark it. Even if you're not worried about a virus today, do it and keep the information handy for when you need it. Believe me, you will need it at some point.

Tip of the Week

In the past, this very same virus problem would have meant being offline for days until my local tech guy could come over and charge me $50 per hour to fix it. Today, I am back online and ready to go! It took far less time and money, thanks to our own Roy Houston!

Roy's helped me through a variety of problems quickly, easily and painlessly. Best of all, because he walks me through it on the phone or via instant messenger, I know what to do the next time for myself! He is liberating me from high techno-support costs and it's been easy!

I strongly urge you all to contact Roy for his toll free (in US & Canada) number. Write it down in your phone book. When your computer keeps crashing or your monitor won't work, you will want to have his number offline! His highly affordable services are also available via email and instant messenger. Just send him an email to receive his complete pricing and contact details.

What Will Janet Come Up With Next?!

In an effort to make her services more affordable for all, Janet Legere has introduced a new monthly membership to our partner site, Contact List Builder. Now, you don't have to sign up for a whole quarter (three months) to get a taste of the simple, yet highly effective strategies Janet Legere uses to build her own very large, very responsive mailing list.

Of course ONE STOP Pro Members will still be entitled to additional savings with CLB's quarterly membership, but now it's easier than ever (even for those on the tightest budget) to learn a highly-effective, proven, online marketing technique.

New Ask Cathy Question

There is a new Ask Cathy question this week.

E-Book Compiler Recommendation

Paid Members will notice that I haven't changed my ebook compiler recommendation, even though it presents a problem for users with Wondows XP Special Pack 2. The reason is that I haven't been able to find any other compiler that really compares to the price and functionality of my current recommendation. Also, I understand that a fix is in the works to make it compatible with this latest edition of Windows. I don't know when the fix will be available, but I trust the creator to make it happen as quickly as possible.

If you used this recommendation to compile an ebook of your own, don't trash it. See if you know someone with an alternate compiler for the time being until the fix is available. If you don't know anyone, contact me. I can probably persuade my friend to do it for you for only a small fee. :)

Have a Profitable Day,

Cathy Wagner
ONE STOP Internet Business Services
Providing Freedom Seeking Entrepeneurs with
Low-Risk, Online Profit-Building Guidance.

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