Member Update


"Cathy Wagner is a sharp minded, professional webmaster and business writer. Offering a full range of services for a ONE STOP internet experience, she manages to provide knowledgable, user-friendly help in time and on deadline."

"As a journalist and business owner, I depend on her unique ability to trouble shoot for my business, before my online problems become unmanageable."

- Diane Tegarden
FireWalker Publications

"I find Cathy to be a respected professional and positive businessperson to deal with, accurate and quick to respond to questions. She deals with you honestly and her information is clear and of top quality. She helped me by guiding me on a business endeavor, and her instructions were right on! She gives information and advice freely and offers more than what is expected. I plan to keep Cathy on for further advising!"

- Luisa Salcedo

"Cathy Wagner is the genuine article - articulate, informed, professional, generous and on the money when it comes to providing top-notch advice for your business concerns. Cathy really cares about your business and it's success, not just how it relates to maintaining her own. She has given away more information in the time I've known her than some companies provide as part of their intial fee'd package and consistantly provides clear, accurate and valuable advice every time."

- Soni Pitts

"...I was amazed at how much more powerful my email letter was after Cathy did her magic! And what a difference it made in my response!

Thanks Cathy, I look forward to our continued growth and prosperity as we combine our efforts to help more business people truly succeed online!"

- Janet Legere
Author and Founder
The Contact List Builder

"I have been very impressed with OneStops services and capabilities. The company is playing a key role in our overall growth and success. By providing cost effective solutions to our business they have allowed us to expand our overall customer base."

- Michael Hamilton

"I just love Cathy Wagner!"

- Carole Cherry


Welcome Members!

Happy Labor Day
to all US and Candadian residents!

I would guess that other countries are celebrating this weekend too as we change over to the next season. Wherever you are, enjoy!

An Apology
I'm sorry for being so scarce this Summer. What can I say? Between having my children with me every minute of every day and being extraordinarily busy with client work, I haven't had much time to do anything else!

Well, I have been thinking about ONE STOP all Summer and recently made some major changes that might surprise you.

I have discontinued all Paid Memberships at ONE STOP Internet Business Services.

I know, it's a bold move, but I'm really thrilled about it. You see, when I started offering professional services last year, I had no idea just how popular they would be. I am getting to a point where I could spend all my time on other people's work and that doesn't leave a lot of time to maintain a resource site.

So, I decided to open up the full Members Area to all. Now, everyone who joins ONE STOP will be able to access more than 100 resource recommendations at no charge.

I hope to write regular monthly updates and add new resources as I find them, but my primary focus will be on providing high quality professional services.

Of course, current Paid Members with bonuses coming will still be entitled to them. All you have to do is write to me and let me know what you'd like done. I truly appreciate your long-standing faith and support. I want to make sure you get everything I promised.

Tip of the Week
Ah! It's my favorite time of year! There's a lovely chill in the air, kids are back in school and traffic always picks up significantly on the Internet! I couldn't be happier!

Now that ONE STOP is just the way I want it, I can't wait to get out there and promote, promote, promote! What will I do?

  • I will start by testing new ad copy. First one line ads and then larger email ads.

    [NOTE: I just found the coolest free resource for evaluating one line ads and headlines! You are gonna love it!]

  • I will submit my web site for review through a variety of resources.

  • I will run ads in safelists and at my favorite networking forums that allow it.

  • I will include my big news, "I just opened up my Pro Members' Area to Free Members!" as a P.S. in my signature file on all forum posts and correspondence.

  • I will send out a special announcement to all of my friends at my favorite business networking sites.

Heck, I might even click for hits because I am just so excited, I want the whole world to know!

What will you do to make the most of the increased traffic?

Have a Profitable Day,

Cathy Wagner
ONE STOP Internet Business Services
Providing Freedom Seeking Entrepeneurs with
Low-Risk, Online Profit-Building Guidance.

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