Member Update


"Cathy Wagner is a sharp minded, professional webmaster and business writer. Offering a full range of services for a ONE STOP internet experience, she manages to provide knowledgable, user-friendly help in time and on deadline."

"As a journalist and business owner, I depend on her unique ability to trouble shoot for my business, before my online problems become unmanageable."

- Diane Tegarden
FireWalker Publications

"Cathy's quick, precise response to questions about my site's copy was very impressive. She not only took the time to read it but actually helped me by identifying some areas where I was weak and pointing them out to me. I appreciated her honesty."

- Tony Puck

"I just wanted to write and let you know how thoroughly pleased I am with You have done a remarkable job of putting all the best tools and resources in one spot. I sure wish I would have found you sooner!

”You can rest assured that I will be recommending your site to all my visitors. If they are serious about getting the most out of their online businesses they won't pass it up! It is one of the wisest investments I have seen in a long time! Thanks again for an awesome job!

”All best and continued success!"

- Roy Houston

"I find Cathy to be a respected professional and positive businessperson to deal with, accurate and quick to respond to questions. She deals with you honestly and her information is clear and of top quality. She helped me by guiding me on a business endeavor, and her instructions were right on! She gives information and advice freely and offers more than what is expected. I plan to keep Cathy on for further advising!"

- Luisa Salcedo

"Cathy Wagner is the genuine article - articulate, informed, professional, generous and on the money when it comes to providing top-notch advice for your business concerns. Cathy really cares about your business and it's success, not just how it relates to maintaining her own. She has given away more information in the time I've known her than some companies provide as part of their intial fee'd package and consistantly provides clear, accurate and valuable advice every time."

- Soni Pitts

"...I was amazed at how much more powerful my email letter was after Cathy did her magic! And what a difference it made in my response!

Thanks Cathy, I look forward to our continued growth and prosperity as we combine our efforts to help more business people truly succeed online!"

- Janet Legere
Author and Founder
The Contact List Builder

"I have been very impressed with OneStops services and capabilities. The company is playing a key role in our overall growth and success. By providing cost effective solutions to our business they have allowed us to expand our overall customer base."

- Michael Hamilton

"I just want to recommend Cathy Wagner in the highest terms possible. She has helped me with several techno-glitches I've had and "issues" to my getting the word out about some of the things I'm doing. Cathy is sharp, on the ball, fast, speaks English rather than "Techno-geek" and is a dream to work with. I recommend her highly for pretty much anything she does.

"Plus she doesn't charge an arm and a leg for what she does."

- Denise Michaels
The Marketing Maven

"I just love Cathy Wagner!"

- Carole Cherry


Welcome Members!

Where Have I Been?!
I know, I know. It's been a very long time since you last heard from me. What's going on?

Well, as much as I hate to get personal, my life is undergoing radical transformations in all areas and I really must take the time to address them. Challenges I'm facing include juggling a wide variety of responsibilities within the inadequate 24 hours allotted per day. :) Most pressing is managing work committments against a summer schedule that has my children at home (in my office!) every minute of every day.

This message is a testament to my ever increasing ability to achieve balance, but you may find that they won't come as regularly as you're used to for the duration of the Summer. I've had to shift my priorities to some extent and these updates take time and effort to produce.

Of course, those of you who communicate with me regularly know that after my children, you are my highest priority. :) Increased client interaction is what's taking up most of my work time and honestly, I love it. I check for email regularly and am readily available to answer your questions and support you in every way.

The Ultimate Autoresponder Solution
Most of you will probably remember, I had autoresponder trouble back in January. It went on for weeks and was utterly frustrating. I vowed then and there to find a better autoresponder solution and I am happy to announce that, at last, I think I've found it!!!

I didn't want to be dependant on a third party service anymore. I wanted complete control of subscription and confirmation as well as automatic emailing for as many messages as I pleased. I had no idea what a tall order that was.

I talked to my friend Roy Houston, I told him what I wanted and he got on it. We looked at a lot of different scripts that we might use on my site, but none of them was quite right. I was starting to lose hope until one day he came back to me and said he figured how to get one of those scripts to work! He installed it and configured it and now, finally, I have complete control over all of my autoresponder messages series!

Do you want to hear the best part? It's a free script! That's right, totally free! Can you believe it?

What's the catch? It does sound too good to be true doesn't it? The catch is installing and configuring it. I mean if someone had handed this to me on a silver platter and said, "Here you go!" I wouldn't have been able to do a thing with it. Roy's help was essential.

I asked Roy if he would do this kind of thing for others and he agreed to install and configure this autoresponder script only for ONE STOP Members at the incredibly low cost of just $20. Think about it. You can finally put an end to monthly payments forever for the cost of just one month of service! Click here for full details.

Note: This is a free autoresponder script that Roy did not create. He has only agreed (and graciously I might add) to install and configure this freely available script onto your web site. Be sure to see the import limitations.

The Ultimate Search Engine Tools
Whether I am busy or not, I always have you, dear Member, in mind. :) When I came across this new resource, I just knew you had to have it! offers a whole suite of free tools designed to help you increase your popularity with search engines and it just might replace the need for any other resources. I haven't had time to try them all yet, but check out "Overture Keywords." It not only tells you how many times keyword phrases have been used in searches, it tells you about the competition for each term too!

Their "Google Keyword Ranking" tool is cool too. You type in your site and keywords and they check your position up to 1000 deep at Google.

I'll be adding both of these great resources to the Members' Area very soon. For now, these are the only links.

Tip of the Week - Summer is Here!
Online business truly is seasonal. Think about it. When people spend more time outside, they necessarily spend less time at their computers.

This is not to suggest that since the weather's getting warmer you might as well forget about your business for the Summer and come back to it in the Fall when traffic picks up again. There are always die-hard computer users, a growing number of us earn their full time living from the Internet and when it gets too hot, even some of the more adventurous types will seek refuge in the cool air conditioning in front of their pc's.

Be sure to use this time to refresh and revitalize your online business. While traffic is low and customer interaction becomes less frequent, you will have the perfect opportunity to take a good look at what you're doing, devise a plan for improvement and implement your ideas before business picks up again in September. As a matter of fact, if you start thinking about it early enough, you will have an opportunity to test out your new strategy and make even more improvements in plenty of time to catch the Fall traffic.

Summer Services Sale
While membership sales generally slow down over the Summer, the demand for my other services continues to grow. I have twice as many regular web site maintenance customers as I did last year and I recently launched into my first full web site design project for a new offline client, so I expect to have the busiest Summer ever.

Why am I telling you this? Because I feel a special fondness for you, dear Member. :) I really want you to succeed and I'd truly like to help in any way I can. But, if you wait until August to try to book my time, you'll probably find that I'm too busy with prior commitments to get your work done by September.

Now is the best time to think about what you want to do and get it done! As an extra incentive to schedule any assistance you might need early, I'll take 10% off all business suport services until June 21st, the first day of Summer. This offer is for ONE STOP Paid Members only.

If you need help to:

  • Figure out how to generate more traffic
  • Inspire your visitors to buy with compelling sales copy
  • Create a follow-up series of messages
  • Improve your overall web site presentation

simply send me an email about your project. I can get started on it right away and when it's complete, I'll subtract 10% off your bill.

Have a Profitable Day,

Cathy Wagner
ONE STOP Internet Business Services
Providing Freedom Seeking Entrepeneurs with
Low-Risk, Online Profit-Building Guidance.

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