Member Update


"I just want to recommend Cathy Wagner in the highest terms possible. She has helped me with several techno-glitches I've had and "issues" to my getting the word out about some of the things I'm doing. Cathy is sharp, on the ball, fast, speaks English rather than "Techno-geek" and is a dream to work with. I recommend her highly for pretty much anything she does.

Plus she doesn't charge an arm and a leg for what she does."

All the best,

- Denise Michaels
The Marketing Maven

"I spent a very profitable hour last Saturday, chatting with Cathy about why my Web site just doesn't "click" and what I can do about it. Cathy helped me realize that a partial makeover would help the site focus on items that would attract more attention and sell better.

I'm already starting to test out my new marketing strategy on the Ryze network. In the next week or so, I plan to launch the revised version of my Web site, confident that Cathy has me on the right track now. Thanks, Cathy, for helping me see what needs to be done. The few hours spent working on my site should pay off quickly -- and profitably!"

- Susan Ross Moore

"I just love Cathy Wagner!"

- Carole Cherry


Welcome Members!

Tip of the Week
Beautiful weather means things slow down online. It is inevitable. People have been cooped up in the house all Winter and now that the sun is shining, they want to break free from their computer to go out and enjoy it.

Now is the time of year to think about major changes in preparation for the Fall. If you have been thinking about redesigning your web site, switching your web hosting company, or taking the time to create a new product, ebook or information series, now is the best time.

Start by making a list of what you will have to do and take advantage of the slow season to get it done!

Individual Services

You may not realize it, but every service that I offer through ONE STOP is also available separately from Membership. For example, someone who needs virtual assistance does not have to become a Pro Member in order to get it.

For a full list of services with descriptions, please click here.


I was honored last week when I was selected as the Spotlight Member of the Week aT the WAHM (Work at Home Mom) network at :)

For those of you who are moms and members of, I suggest you check out this wonderful network. It is an excellent support resource that speaks to our maternal side as well as our business side.

Have a Profitable Day,

Cathy Wagner
ONE STOP Internet Business Services
Your ONE STOP for high quality marketing
information, tips and recommendations.

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