Member Update
Welcome Members! Take
Your Business to the Next Level You might think networking is a selling term as in Network Marketing, but the root of the word has to do with a related group working together as in a computer network where 2 or more machines are linked together to improve the efficiency of each. A business network can be far more effective than any individual working alone. For example, who do you ask to look over your copy? In my case, without my business network, I have my husband. He is very supportive and likes almost everything I write, but he doesn't know anything about marketing at all. To make business decisions based solely on his advice is silly. So, who do you ask? Where do you go to get advice? If you had a business network, you would know of at least a couple of different people who are facing the same challenges as you. Using this example, you could most likely strike a deal with someone to critique your copy in exchange for critiqueing theirs. There are endless ways that a business network can be beneficial. The only way to find out the true value of such a group is to go on out there and create one for yourself. The very best way to do this right now is to join a business community like Ryze where you can meet literally thousands of online business people from all walks of life, all over the world, selling all kinds of products. My advice is to start small. Fill out your profile, include a few words about yourself and/or your business on your page and include a photo if possible. Then start looking for people to network with. First, search for people you already know, like me. :) Sign their guestbooks and let them know you are also a member of Ryze now. Some people will sign your guestbook welcoming you to Ryze, go and sign their guestbooks, too. Look at the pages that belong to friends of your friends and sign those guestbooks if they catch your interest. Check out some networks and join one or two to begin with. Remember large active networks will produce a lot more messages than those that are smaller and less active. Before you know it, your list of friends will grow. You'll see that each has different strengths and some will become quite friendly to a point where you will feel comfortable asking for their help or offering some kind of parntership or exchange. My best recommendation for a business network, where you can find people to really help you in your business, is Denise Michael's Testosterone Free Marketing network at Ryze. Don't let the name fool you, both men and women are getting a lot of help and support here, it is a great thing to be a part of. I have
been learning a lot! I've gotten some incredible feedback, tips and new
ideas that I will be incorporating into ONE STOP
in the very near future to make it bigger and better than ever. I will
be moving it away from it's free resource format and begin highlighting
the true value of my expertise. TIP: Now is the time to sign up for your Lifetime Membership at ONE STOP, before these changes go into effect. ;)
As an incentive for sending in your comments, I will give away one Ad Writing Workshop to a randomly selected Member who sends in their feedback. Plus, all positive comments will be considered for inclusion on the site itself as testimonials which, of course, would include your link. :) New
Ask Cathy Question If you would like to see new questions more often, please send in yours. Chat
Reminder These are really fun! Bring your marketing questions or just come and chat about doing business online. (I'll even be glad to let you in on some of the upcoming changes I have planned for ONE STOP. ;) Cathy
Wagner --------------------------------------------- |