Member Update


“One Stop has assembled a collection of FREE resources and materials that will help you advance your Net biz to the next level -- and beyond. Get your Free Marketing Course and get started today.“

- Jim Hulsey, Owner of

"You will need these resources, tools and techniques (or something just like them) to promote any product, web site or program! Everything you need to know to create, promote and expand a profitable Internet Business is outlined here in an understandable, organized way to help avoid the pitfalls and waste of time and money to get where we wall want to be... profitable.

"I've chatted often with Cathy Wagner, and she is very personable, helpful, professional, and available if you have any questions or need good quality advice about how make your promotions enjoyable and profitable. One Stop Internet Business seems, to me, to be (refreshingly) as concerned in my/your success as they are in their own."

John L Barlow

"If you need inspiration or information - ONE STOP will nurture you at your own speed. I came for the innovation and stayed for the variety. I never doubt the warmth that I originally took for granted. This really is the only stop you need to make every time you go to market! Thank you!"

- Terry Ward

“The free information and free advertising ALONE is worth the visit. But if you're really serious about promoting your product or service, become a Paid Member. Speaking as a two-month-old rookie in the field of web promotion, I can say that I certainly got lucky by stumbling upon One Stop Internet Business Services early in the game. I still have a long way to go, but OneStop has proven to be a great place to start!“

- Richard Olson

"I have been very impressed with OneStops services and capabilities. The company is playing a key role in our overall growth and success. By providing cost effective solutions to our business they have allowed us to expand our overall customer base."

- Michael Hamilton

"Cathy's quick, precise response to questions about my site's copy was very impressive. She not only took the time to read it but actually helped me by identifying some areas where I was weak and pointing them out to me. I appreciated her honesty."

- Tony Puck

"Cathy, thank you for providing such a valuable service! Anyone who needs more traffic should visit OneStop - they are truly missing out if they don't!"

- Elizabeth Piotrowski
Strategy Ad Service

"I just love Cathy Wagner!"

- Carole Cherry


Welcome Members!

We've all heard that joint ventures and partnerships with other web sites can be an incredible free way to spread the word about your offer to targeted prospects. For example, someone who sells golf clubs might be able to trade links with a site that sells golf balls for the mutual benefit of both.

The biggest obstacle to creating these types of partnerships has been how do you find those sites that would like to link to yours or sell your product?

You could manually search for related keywords at any search engine and look around each site for a way to contact the owner, but that can be unbelievably time consuming with only little return.

Now there is such a quick and easy way to find related web sites and get the contact address for owners, that everyone will be able to create profitable joint ventures. It could make many forms of online promotion obsolete!

I am testing software that was released only 2 weeks ago and it is fantastic. One search and ten mintues of my time produced a list 75 web sites (with contact email addresses) that might be interested in recommending my new product, Raiza Creme, to their already established list of customers.

Now, all I have to do is compose a letter to these web site owners offering them a free sample to try and explaining my proposal. The possiblities are amazing.

You will probably think that this type of software is expensive, and some will think that $80US is a lot to spend for a marketing tool (even for one with such huge potential), but for a limited time, they are running a trial offer that will let you perfom 5 searches absolutely free!

While it is very new, people will begin advertising it heavily. Soon this software will be everywhere and everyone will be using it. But, ONE STOP Paid Members can get in on it, and start using it, right now!

All Paid Members who would like to take a look at it immediately, please reply to this message and let me know; I will send you the URL. Don't wait. This is your chance to get the jump on your competition!

Don't forget to look for your next chance to win your own Ad Writing Workshop in next week's Member Update.

Also, please mark it down on your calandar that next Sunday will be our next live, open forum marketing discussion. I would really love to see you there. :)


Offline -
My offline promotions have hit a bit of a snag. I am finding that many salons already carry a full line of skin care products and do not want to trade the income from several products to just one.

I am not deterred. I realize that this is the way most people think today. All of the huge name brands insist that you need an eye cream, a night cream, a moisturizer, a revitalizer, etc. to have younger looking skin, but now Raiza Creme can replace them all.

So, my plan is to talk directly to consumers and create a demand for one simple, reasonably priced product. I will place a classifed ad in my local paper next week and offer all who respond a free sample of "The ONLY Beauty Creme" they will ever need. I will also start arranging another "spa party" which was very successful the last time. 80% of individuals (as opposed to store owners) who have tried it bought it right there on the spot.

Online -
Online promotions are not going quite as expected either. I have not received many orders for free samples and so, I will be changing the procedure.

Instead of requiring that people send a self addressed stamped envelope, I will put up a form and send samples to people who give me their street address and email address.

Not only do I expect to receive more sample orders this way, but I will also be able to follow up with those who order samples via email. :)

I am not a code expert, so I will have to wait for my web design people to come back from vacation. I expect the new form to be up there at the end of the week.

This will mean more promotional delays, but I am not discouraged. This is why I test these things first, so that I do not waste my time or money on an advertising campaign that is not effective.

In the mean time, I will be sending out joint venture proposals to the contacts I got using my new software, mentioned above. ;)

Since the link testing is complete, I had my best one line ads made into banners. This will expand the number of places where I can advertise and it will give resellers and people who want to link to my site an easy way to do it.

Have a Profitable Day,

Cathy Wagner
ONE STOP Internet Business Services
Your ONE STOP for high quality marketing
information, tips and recommendations.

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