Member Update


“I am an affiliate of One Stop Internet Business and promote on my site as well as off my site for Cathy Wagner as she has some of the best resources available for free or low cost advertising of your website. She has shown me better ways to advertise and to get my site seen by more people I would recommend One Stop Internet Business and Cathy Wagner to everyone who needs resources to the internet.”

- JoDee Inscoe

“One Stop has assembled a collection of FREE resources and materials that will help you advance your Net biz to the next level -- and beyond. Get your Free Marketing Course and get started today.“

- Jim Hulsey, Owner of

"You will need these resources, tools and techniques (or something just like them) to promote any product, web site or program! Everything you need to know to create, promote and expand a profitable Internet Business is outlined here in an understandable, organized way to help avoid the pitfalls and waste of time and money to get where we wall want to be... profitable.

"I've chatted often with Cathy Wagner, and she is very personable, helpful, professional, and available if you have any questions or need good quality advice about how make your promotions enjoyable and profitable. One Stop Internet Business seems, to me, to be (refreshingly) as concerned in my/your success as they are in their own."

John L Barlow

"If you need inspiration or information - ONE STOP will nurture you at your own speed. I came for the innovation and stayed for the variety. I never doubt the warmth that I originally took for granted. This really is the only stop you need to make every time you go to market! Thank you!"

- Terry Ward

“The free information and free advertising ALONE is worth the visit. But if you're really serious about promoting your product or service, become a Paid Member. Speaking as a two-month-old rookie in the field of web promotion, I can say that I certainly got lucky by stumbling upon One Stop Internet Business Services early in the game. I still have a long way to go, but OneStop has proven to be a great place to start!“

- Richard Olson

"I have been very impressed with OneStops services and capabilities. The company is playing a key role in our overall growth and success. By providing cost effective solutions to our business they have allowed us to expand our overall customer base."

- Michael Hamilton

"Cathy's quick, precise response to questions about my site's copy was very impressive. She not only took the time to read it but actually helped me by identifying some areas where I was weak and pointing them out to me. I appreciated her honesty."

- Tony Puck

"Cathy, thank you for providing such a valuable service! Anyone who needs more traffic should visit OneStop - they are truly missing out if they don't!"

- Elizabeth Piotrowski
Strategy Ad Service

"Cathy's Ad Writing Assistance was Great! You and her write ads together. Its Fun. Highly Recommend! Thanks,"

- Lawrence Doro


Welcome Members!

to all 3 of last week's winners! There was a much higher response to the contest last week and the only reason I can see for this is that I included the contest instructions here, in the Member Update.

So, I'm going to do it again. Your next chance to win your own Ad Writing Workshop will be Sunday August 10th. Look for details in your ONE STOP Member Update on August 9. :)

There is a new Ask Cathy question this week.

Offline -
Phone calls this week were not as effective as personal visits. Next week I will make the rounds again to each store I have been talking to and suggest that they order some samples for their customers to try. This way store owners will be able to gauge interest before they make a larger investment. They may even be able to take advance orders to pay for their case before they buy it.

Web site review - I received my first published reviews on Monday and they were very good. The only real complaint, and I have heard it from others too, is the frame. I don't really understand it, but I guess frames are a major problem for some people.

While I really like the frame, I will be working on a frameless version. It won't be as pretty as the framed version; it is possible I will just offer a link to the no frames version from the site as it is for those who prefer it.

This kind of thing is difficult for online marketers to deal with; no one likes to have their work criticized. But, if you want to make sales, you have to give the people what they want.

Testing ad copy -
I have finished my tests on links or one line ads. Here are my results:

I have been testing these 4 one line ads at the link rater service I told you about and at SmallBizFFA:

(1) The ONLY Beauty Cream You Will Ever Need
(2) Wrinkles? Strecth Marks? This Stuff Works! Try It Free
(3) Stretch Marks? Eczema? Psoriasis? Just Try It
(4) The Beauty Secret of Spanish Royalty - Try It Free

The link rater voted for #1 as the best, #2 and #4 were tied for second place and #3 came in last.

I ran each at SmallBizFFA, one per day, to get the most reliable data from my web site stats which are updated daily. None of them received any clicks at all.

I decided to add the words "FREE Sample" to #3 to see if it helped at all because it was rated highest with the link rater at the time. It got one click at SmallBiz. So I decided to test them all again with the words "FREE Sample" at the end.

#1, with the addition of FREE Sample at the end, also got one click at SmallBiz. #2 and #4 got absolutely nothing.

This data tells me that "The ONLY Beauty Cream You Will Ever Need. FREE Sample" is my best link. This will be my primary headline.

I will probaly alternate it with "Stretch Marks? Eczema? Psoriasis? Just Try It. FREE Sample" because it drew a click at SmallBiz and it speaks to a different target audience.

The next step in testing ad copy will be to write some classified and email ads to go with those 2 links and test them before I launch a full scale ad campaign.

I will also have banners made with both of those links.

Traffic Generators -
Last week I told you that I would be showing the new site on various traffic generators or start page programs, which I have done. I directed them all to the main page.

I will start off by telling you that I do not like to click for hits, I think it is time consuming and boring because I have seen most of the sites again and again. I spent only 2 days clicking, here are my results.

At the time of this writing, the main page at the raiza site has only been viewed 353 times this month. 139 of those visits (almost one third) show traffic generators as the referrer. It has been used as the entry page 302 times and as the exit page only 16 times.

Dividing the number of exits by the total number of entries tells me that only about 5% of those who entered the site at the main page clicked away immediately. That means that 95% of viewers actually clicked through to other pages!

So much for traffic generators being a waste of time. Clickers saw my site and actually looked around beyond the 30 seconds that they were forced to have it open.

It is important to note that my main page takes less than 5 seconds to load, even on a 28k modem, and also that I offer a free sample.

The sample page is the next most visited page after the main page, but all of the internal pages have been drawing attention. Since none but the main page is posted anywhere, visits to the internal pages (totaling 284) account for where people went from the main page. Each pulled between 13% (contact us page) and 21% (free sample page) of visitors who did not just click away.

I wish I had more data on sample orders. Because people have to send a self addressed stamped envelope in order to receive their free sample, it takes longer to know if people responded, especially since I live far away from any major city. Letters seem to take about a week to reach me from most areas of the country.

If I find that I do not get a lot of orders for samples, I will change the procedure on the site to send people samples just for giving me their street address and email address.

I had thought about this type of set up from the start because it would give me leads to follow up with, but concerns about overwhelming response and people trying to cheat led to my doing it via SASE to begin with.

Have a Profitable Day,

Cathy Wagner
ONE STOP Internet Business Services
Your ONE STOP for high quality marketing
information, tips and recommendations.

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