Member Update


"I have been very impressed with OneStops services and capabilities. The company is playing a key role in our overall growth and success. By providing cost effective solutions to our business they have allowed us to expand our overall customer base."

- Michael Hamilton

"I've chatted often with Cathy Wagner, and she is very personable, helpful, professional, and available if you have any questions or need good quality advice about how make your promotions enjoyable and profitable. One Stop Internet Business seems, to me, to be (refreshingly) as concerned in my/your success as they are in their own."

John L Barlow

"Cathy's quick, precise response to questions about my site's copy was very impressive. She not only took the time to read it but actually helped me by identifying some areas where I was weak and pointing them out to me. I appreciated her honesty."

- Tony Puck

“The free information and free advertising ALONE is worth the visit. But if you're really serious about promoting your product or service, become a Paid Member. Speaking as a two-month-old rookie in the field of web promotion, I can say that I certainly got lucky by stumbling upon One Stop Internet Business Services early in the game. I still have a long way to go, but OneStop has proven to be a great place to start!“

- Richard Olson


Welcome Members!

Fear of the Internet and Technology
I learned something very important this week that I was totally unaware of. Many online business people have a real dibilitating fear of the Internet and technology.

I admit to some fear when I began to learn how to use my pc for business, but it has come to my attention that there are those who become totally blocked by certain tasks that never get done.

My desire to help is truly sincere and so I have come up with a solution. I am now glad to offer my services as a Consultant and even a Virtual Assistant, if that is what it takes to help you succeed.

Are you stuck when it comes to your web site? Is it up? Do you need help to transfer it? Are you having trouble getting links to work or graphics to load? Maybe you need help to set up your autoresponders?

I can help.

Is it difficult for you to follow instructions when trying to accomplish tasks online? Do they seem to be written in a totally foreign language?

I can walk you through it.

How about your promotions? Are you using all of your tools, or are they just too confusing? Do you want to use free publicity, but have no idea how to write an article, what kind of article to write or how to submit it to interested parties?

I want to help you.

Maybe you have basic or general questions about how to use the Internet, your pc or web site more effectively.

I can tell you what you need to know and if instructions aren't enough, I am even glad to act as your Virtual Assistant to get things done.

I haven't included this offer on the site yet, right now it is only available to current ONE STOP Members. Please contact me with any issues you might be having and we can talk about the right solution for you.

Have a Profitable Day,

Cathy Wagner
ONE STOP Internet Business Services
Your ONE STOP for high quality marketing
information, tips and recommendations.

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