Unity vs. Separation by Gwenneth Morgan

If you have been drawn in by my title, you most likely understand the concept of unity vs. separation. For those of you who stumbled upon these words accidentally, I will give a brief explanation.

Unity, as implied by the word, represents the unification of man in the understanding that we are all one, all connected. It is true. No matter what you call the force that gives you life, it is the same force that animates us all. We are all part of one greater whole. Different cultures that worship a creator are all really worshipping different representations of the same entity or force.

Separation is what we have now in our world. It is a belief that we are all separate and disconnected from each other. It is a perception of life that implies we do not have to care for others (including the planet.) It implies that we must live in competition, that we must win (or be right) at all costs. It fosters the idea that what we want (or believe) is the most important thing.

This negative and false perception of Separation is acting like a cancer in our societies. We see it in the way that people or groups are so quick to judge others negatively. We feel it when corporations or governments allow their controlling representatives to put their wants before the needs of the common employee or citizen. We pay for it when whole segments of a population cannot support themselves or when one culture decides to impose their views on another by force.

Some think this corrupt manifestation of Separation is really only prevalent in government, but that's not so. It's a deep-rooted symptom of misinterpretations and misunderstandings from long ago and it pervades every aspect of all of our lives. It's in our thinking and is automatically handed down to our children. It's in our customs, laws and taboos. Every thought, habit and behavior pattern that sets us apart from others creates Separation. It is so deeply ingrained in our whole human culture that it will be a huge task to literally shift that perception, but I do believe it is possible.

Of course Separation is most obvious in governments because it effects so many people. Our current administration is an excellent example as we see politicians arguing for more tax cuts for the richest segment of the population when only recently an astounding 250,000 people applied for just 350 jobs created by a new Wal-Mart in Chicago. At roughly the same time, President Bush proudly declared that he'd created 180,000 jobs nationally and assures us that our economy is in great shape. He is obviously out of touch with the needs of those in different demographic groups than his own. Another example is the plan to make war in Iran at a time when most Americans are already fed up with the illegal war in Iraq. Fear and division are common and powerful tools for those who abuse power.

But, there is hope on a global level. Our current leadership is way behind the curve compared to Venezuela's Hugo Chavez whose primary detractors are really those who want to continue to live high on the hog at the expense of the common people. Even His Highness the Aga Khan, the Imam of the Shia Imami Ismaili Muslims gave a brilliant speech not long ago, eloquently outlining a strategy for peace and cooperation in a diverse global society. And yet, our media would have us believe that he leads a dangerous people who are so different from us that their kind would gladly kill everyone one of us to destroy our way of life!

I have friends in the Middle East whom I met over the Internet. Most notably is a man about my age, with children roughly the same age as my own. When we talk, it's apparent that we're both at the same point in life. We have the same dreams and goals for our families. We want our children to be happy, healthy, safe and well educated. We simply want to make a good life for our families.

We are very much the same. We like to tell each other about how big our children have gotten and relate their latest accomplishments. We talk business and support each other in working hard and maintaining our own businesses. We sometimes talk about our spouses and it's wonderful to hear a man speak so lovingly of his wife from a place where it's rumored women are not appreciated. We have absolutely no problem communicating. It makes no difference that we're on opposite ends of the Earth or that he is a man while I am a woman, or that we hold what would appear to be radically different religious beliefs. We've talked about religion and honestly, our core beliefs and values aren't even all that different.

I know another man, a young man in college. He is getting ready to join the Palestinian Army. He doesn't have a strong urge to fight and certainly doesn't want to die, joining the army is just what they do. I've known him since he was in high school and watched him grow into a warm, caring and thoughtful young man. He has a girlfriend whom he loves and wants to marry. He is also very close with his parents and siblings, some of whom I've met. When I talk with him, I can't help but wonder, is this the kind of enemy we're fighting over there? Boys who could just as easily be the lovely neighbor boy who'll make a fine catch for some lucky girl?

When you get right down to it, humans share the same needs and desires. We are all the same and it is this sameness that makes me think Unity is possible. There is absolutely no reason why we can't find common ground. The primary obstacle that I see is this sense of Separation. Without it, or rather with an understanding that we are really all the same, there is no reason why we could not come together for the common good. Anyone who tries to make us think differently has some kind of agenda of their own or, in their ignorance, they are simply passing along the agenda of someone else.

Before we can set about transforming separation, I think it's important to be really clear about how it affects our lives every day. Truly, since it is so tied up with our cultures and who we are as humans, it's not always easy to identify. Here are the biggies, you'll note that they pretty much cover every aspect of life.

God. Even though nearly every prophet has preached to the contrary, our understanding of God creates Separation. Why? Because we all want to believe that our conclusions about God are the only true, Right, conclusions. But, it can never be. None of us knows the final answers and it is even quite possible that each of us will experience after death exactly what we expect. We could all be right! But, by imposing our beliefs on others, whether intentionally or not, we create Separation. We create unease. We create tension and a situation where one is right and the other must be wrong. We have a win-lose situation.

Respecting another's beliefs does not mean adopting them as your own. It doesn't mean subjugating your beliefs to theirs. And, most especially, it doesn't mean saying you respect someone's beliefs while you continue to demonstrate (either consciously or unconsciously) that you truly believe yours are really the only truth in the matter. What it does mean is, there's nothing wrong with saying "Happy Holidays!" because this kind of holiday greeting is inclusive, meaning Christmas is included as well as a host of other Winter holidays. It means we can say an all incusive "Thank you for the blessing of this meal" kind of group prayer instead of going whole hog to specify that we're talking to "Jesus Christ, the Only Lord and Savior," in an effort to make everyone feel welcome and at ease. This is not to be perceived as a restriction on anyone. In Unity, we want to accept and appreciate all because it helps to make the world a better place. Only in Separation must we continue to assert that our way is the only way.

Country. We all love our country, and that's good. We want the best for her and her people, which is also good. But, our love of country creates Separation when a win for our country is a loss for another, whether intentionally or unintentionally. We create division when any country places its needs or wants above those of another. I cannot imagine any true justification for war or the mass loss of life of innocent civilians and young men like my friend in Palestine. World leaders owe it to themselves and the rest of us to avoid these kinds of conflicts like the plague.

Nations can no longer view themselves as islands all alone in the world. Everything we do, as nations, affects every other nation on the planet. It is truly unconscionable for any one nation to put their agenda above the lives and needs of others and until we empower world leaders who realize this, our path toward unity will be impeded. Whether we like it or not, we are an interdependent global community and it's time we started acting like one.

Sex. It's hard to believe in the 21st century, we still have sexual discrimination. It may not be as obvious as in the days when women couldn't vote, but it's still here in the way some men relate to women, the way some women relate to women, job inequality, sexual crimes, and laws about a woman's right to choose. Today, we seem to have even more sexual discrimination because we see it more and more directed gays and lesbians. Intolerance breeds resentment and Separation on the deepest levels.

People need to realize that sex is a natural, healthy, restorative act that we were designed to engage in. I also think people need to realize that private, personal decisions among consenting adults just aren't anybody else's business. In my opinion, all laws that have anything to say about such personal matters between adults are an intrusion not just by the state, but also by religious beliefs which have no place in a country that is committed to religious freedom. The function of government and laws is to prohibit people from damaging others, not to protect an individual from beliefs that are not accepted by the whole.

Wealth. Those who have money don't like to associate with those who don't. Poor people think rich people are "greedy bastards" who must have stepped on a lot of toes to get that way. Those in the middle often times feel as though they must choose between going for their dreams and living as their conscience dictates. Some sabotage themselves or give everything away in an effort to live a "moral" life while others are so disconnected from the Light that they feel they must amass and horde as much wealth as possible at all costs.

While there is an unending supply of abundance for all, not everyone has figured that out yet. Wealth is available to everyone who believes they deserve it. And, guess what? We all deserve it. There is more than enough for all of us. If you don't believe that the Universe is a naturally abundant place, I invite you to count the trees on a mountainside or the stars in the sky. We are really only limited by what we are willing to accept.

By the same token, I believe those with wealth receive it by the grace of the whole. If it weren't for employees and customers, no business would ever get off the ground. Those who reap the rewards and benefits of wealth, who also remember to pay something back out of fairness and true gratitude for their good fortune, foster Unity and encourage their continued abundance.

Race. Anyone who thinks racism is a thing of the past is just not paying attention. If you've ever had a reaction to a person simply because of their race (be it Black, White, Arabic, Asian, whatever,) especially on a dark and lonely street, you have felt the effects of racism in your life.

Racism in a global society just doesn't work. Great thinkers, leaders and enlightened individuals have emerged from every race represented on the planet. Take two people of different races and ask them the same questions about what's right and wrong and you'll find their answers to be pretty much the same. No one condones killing. Everyone wants to be safe, happy, healthy and free to pursue their own lives and interests.

We must remain mindful that every single person really is just like us. Each has hopes and dreams, they love and laugh and fear, just like we do. Just because they are different does not make them less than (or more than) you!

Intelligence. How many times have you heard someone complain about "stupid people?" This bothers me more and more as I realize that this is yet another form of Separation.

Nobody is perfect; we all make mistakes. We tell our children that it's ok to make mistakes, but the reality is, the world does not accept mistakes gracefully. Some people place a huge amount of stress on themselves to be "perfect" or above reproach, but they still make mistakes whether they realize it or not. Assuming stupidity as a first explanation for mistakes makes it impossible to feel compassion or understanding for the person who erred.

In any given situation there can be hundreds of explanations for why someone might act in a way that could be perceived as "stupid." We must use compassion when trying to understand the motives of others. In most cases, people are really doing the best they can, even if it's not actually their very best.

Certainty. In almost every case of Separation mentioned, the one common overriding factor is certainty. The certainly that one person, country or belief system is better or more Right than another will always create division and Separation from others. Certainty is probably the biggest contributing factor to Separation.

We need to stop taking ourselves so seriously. We must open our minds to others and other possibilities. We need to learn to be more comfortable with ourselves and the fact that there are some things we'll never know for certain. We must celebrate our differences and work together to make our communities and the world the best they can be.

So how do we go about transforming such a pervasive mindset?

It all starts with us, as individuals. It's the only way.

Already millions of people have become enlightened, that is we are becoming more aware of, and therefore working more in accordance with, the Light. We're realizing that there is a connection between all people and we're crying out for an end to the Old Way. As our numbers grow, we see exciting changes all around the world. People are actively setting their minds to solving huge social problems that have plagued mankind for thousands of years. We are, in our own ways, setting shining examples of how Unity can benefit the world.

Do you have skills that you could put to use in the benefit of Mankind? Maybe you have scientific or technical skills. Perhaps you have writing or speaking skills. Maybe you have organizational or networking skills. You might still be developing your greater skills, but if nothing else, you can shine Light on humanity by operating out of a place of Unity. By accepting your fellow man and showing compassion, respect and understanding for even those who may be on the opposite side of the social spectrum, you will add to the growing global consciousness that is striving for Unity and a better life for all. Today, the balance between Light and Dark is very close, you could be the tipping point!

Be sure to Vote! Our current administration is a perfect example of Separation at it's most extreme. Reckless cronyism, extreme idealism, unchecked spending and cruel program cuts make it clear. The powers that be are only interested in what's best for them and everyone else is either going to have to suck it up or find a way to get onto the "winning" side, which seems next to impossible the way they play the game.

As a whole, the American people have no one to blame but themselves. Most of these guys have been corrupt and in politics for years, but we keep voting them into bigger and better offices. Americans need to pay attention to politics, even if they don't like it. We need to seek out true news sources instead of blindly listening to the approved news we get from mainstream media. We have to vote, and we must support election reform to insure all Americans have an equal chance to vote and every vote is counted accurately.

Most importantly, be the best you can be. Set an example yourself. Meditate, take care of yourself, stay positive and shield yourself from those who are still so steeped in Separation that they don't even realize what they are doing to themselves or society as a whole. You will know them by their negative attitude and their propensity for wallowing in "victim" thinking, as if others or the world are out to get them somehow.

Catch yourself when you start to feel negative toward others, too. Try to imagine the situation from their point of view and be as respectful, understanding and compassionate as possible. Realize that all your experiences are a reflection of you. If something bothers you, remember that feeling stems from some kind of conflict within you. Another person cannot "make" you feel a certain way, your are responsible for how you feel.

I have a friend who is fond of saying, "Sometimes you will be inconvenienced by some idiot on the road, other times you will be the idiot." When we all realize that we all play all parts at some point during our lives, it is much easier to see where others simply have some growing to do.
