OThe Biggest Problem in the World Today

Oby Gwenneth Morgan

What do you think is the biggest problem in the World today?



I suggest the biggest problem is none of these. I think it's something much deeper that accounts for nearly all acts of greed, hostility and violence. I believe low self esteem is the single biggest problem that plagues Mankind and it has plagued us for thousands of years.

Look at that list again. I would say every single one of these negative states of mind has it's roots in low self esteem.

Greed - Not wanting others to succeed and enjoy the abundance of the Universe, the greedy want it all for themselves. Why? It pumps them up and makes them feel superior to others, or maybe they're just afraid they will lose it. Even though they may seem successful to others, their low self esteem will never be satisfied.

Intolerance - Feeling limited in their ability to express themselves, the intolerant person feels contempt for those who live outside the confines of what the intolerant deems appropriate. Many can relate stories about how they were smacked down hard for deviating from the program when they were young and the day they swore never to step out of line again. They also vowed not to trust their own natural instincts because it could get them into trouble.

Jealousy - This is an obvious one. If one is not content with what one has, if one continually looks at the possessions of others with envy instead of resolve to go out and make it happen for themselves too, it is most likely because they do not feel worthy or capable of achieving such things for themselves.

Hate - Where does hate come from? Ignorance, frustration, and fear. These qualities are abundant in those with low self esteem. They may feel as though their efforts have gone unrecognized and someone who has what they want must have been given special or preferencial treatment. Or they see people who are different and assume these strangers' behavior is a judgement that their own behavior is wrong. They lack confidence and belief in themselves, otherwise other people wouldn't bother them so much.

Ignorance - No one is expected to know everything, but people who do not think for themselves could certainly be categorized as ignorant. These people generally think their opinions are of such little value that no one could possibly care what they have to say. They adopt other people's points of view as their own and basically go through life on autopilot, like automatons.

Laziness - While certainly not a sin, I've hear many people lament the laziness of their fellows. Where does it come from? Let me ask you this, do you think anyone who is happily excited about life could really be termed lazy? Of course not. The lazy are unhappy and uninspired. Even if they come up with a good idea, they're sure it can't really be good, so why bother? Is this not the very definition of low self esteem?

Immorality - Immorality is merely the other side of intolerance. Most of those who cry about a lack of morality are generally the same people who want to control others and force them to live a lifestyle that is more in line with their own personal views. Their inability to accept the beliefs and lifestyles of others comes a from a deep rooted conditioning with regard to what is acceptable. This doesn't leave room for personal evaluation, understanding and compassion.

Of course immorality, in terms of crime is a problem. Certainly it is immoral to kill, rape and steal. But, I suggest that 99% of all crime is also a result of low self esteem.

Murder - Why do people commit murder? In most cases it can be traced to one of the negative states of mind listed above. In some cases, murder is a secondary byproduct of another crime, which is also driven by these same negative states of mind. Even a child showing off his Daddy's gun that goes off by accident is a manifestation of low self esteem displayed as an attempt by the boy to win friends (or feel superior to them) by impressing them.

Rape - If we, as a society, held more healthy beliefs in regard to sex, rape would become a thing of the past. Negative messages about sex that we receive as children develop into fears and inhibitions as adults. The result is way more sexual frustration that some people can bear. Thankfully, most people seem to be able to deal with it in less violent ways, but I am convinced that sexual frustration, resulting from low self esteem, plays a huge part in the overall unhappiness of our world.

Theft - Someone who feels capable to do and achieve what they want in life has no need to steal from others in any way.

Drugs - Serious drug users do not care about themselves at all. They don't take their health or bodies into consideration, their only thought is to get high, to numb whatever pain it is they're hiding from. In most cases the pain stems from a past failure, a failure to do something, be something, or to stop something from happening. They ruthlessly beat themselves up emotionally and physically every day.

So what is the answer? Religion?

NO! To my way of thinking, organized religion is one of the primary causes of low self esteem. Too many Churches tell us we are weak and we can only survive through the grace of God. People don't realize that most major religions were created by rulers solely for the purpose of controling their subjects, to give them rules to live by along with severe, eternal punishments for disobeying. They also don't realize we are all born with everything we need to make all our dreams come true.

Awareness is a good first step.

For those of us who not have succumbed so far into low self esteem that we can still look at ourselves and others rationally, we must realize that this is a far reaching and highly destructive tendancy that resides in everyone. Believe it or not, even the most successful people you know are plagued by self doubt. No amount of learning, after a life time of conditioning, will erase that completely. Only conscious choice to recognize and redirect negative thought patterns and habits will nourish our self esteem.

Be careful how you treat people.

It has been said that a kind word, or even just smile, can send out endless ripples of positive energy far beyond the scope of the person who was kind. The same is true with negativity. The next time you snap at your child or treat a stranger rudely, think about the end results of the negative energy you just released. Do you really want to spread more if that kind of thing around?

Instead, develop a habit of treating people kindly, like you would a friend. Every time you do, be sure to think about the possible positive ramifications this might lead to. Be proud of yourself for being part of the solution instead of the problem.
