ONE STOP Internet Business Services


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Is Your Business Web Site Effective?

For the online business person, your web site is your most important sales tool. Aside from any ads or promotions you may use to get people to visit, your site is the only link web surfers have to you and your product. Your business web site must explain the benefits of your products immediately and lead your prospects through the necessary steps toward a successful purchase. If your site is not appealing, compelling and functional, you will lose sales.

Contact Us For a Free Estimate

I've seen too many web business people knock themselves out trying to promote a site that just doesn't produce results. Many of these frustrated web site owners spend months (if not years!) making more and more changes in the hope of hitting on the right presentation that actually produces sales. The sad truth is, they rely on casual advice of friends and associates who may or may not have the time or skill to take the whole picture into account. This kind of haphazard approach can lead to mistakes that take them in the wrong direction.

Don't let this happen to you. Get a professional web site consultation to find out how your web site could be updated to improve your bottom line today.

Let us focus our professional eye on your web site with emphasis on your sales process. We'll approach your site from the perspective of the buyer, evaluate the presentation of your main page, check your search engine optimization, review your order process and even click through to buy your product (if you wish) to test the functionality of your site and insure that your customers see exactly what you want them to.

How Much?

We have always been committed to those who have the gumption to build an Internet business with little or no investment. It's a long hard road, but it can be done! And ONE STOP is living proof.

In keeping with our mission, we've priced our web site consulting services to be affordable. You pay only $75 to have an expert walk through your entire sales process and give it a thorough evaluation from start to finish. You'll receive recommendations, tips and expert advice you can use right away to improve the performance of your business web site immediately.

Please contact us directly to schedule your web site consultation today!

Payments are accepted by PayPal, Western Union, checks and money orders in US funds.

© Copyright Cathy Wagner 2002 - 2020
Note: This site is NOT powered by WordPress and cost two thirds less!
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