This is a very common question and believe it or not, there are those who have actually written an article, but don't do anything with it because they don't know how. Once writers find out how, it seems very tedious and time consuming. My first article submission took me an entire week to complete!
Don't let your article go to waste! When properly submitted to high-profile content sites, your article can keep on working for you for months, and even years, to come! At ONE STOP, we've had articles published in many web sites and ezines because we submit them to sites that are known to provide high quality content for reprint; this means people are actively searching for articles to use as content for the web site or newsletter! Our articles continue to bring more high-quality traffic than any kind of online advertising campaign. It is definitely worth the time and effort to write and submit articles. Online publicity just can't be beat! By now, weve submitted so many articles that it's easy for us to do it much more quickly than others can! So we've decided to offer this service to you. We will:
And, we'll do it all in about 3 hours, so the cost to you is only $180 US! The Only Things We Need to Submit Your Article Are:
If you've written an article, but don't have a web page set up for it, you're not getting the most out of it. Search engines love web sites with more content! And your article on a web page is a valuable marketing tool that you can use again and again to send people directly to your informative written work on your own site. Include a reprint clause with it on the page and you never know where your article might be published! Please contact us to discuss your project or schedule your work. Payments are accepted by PayPal, Western Union, checks and money orders in US funds. |